If you've read any of my recent posts, you know that the two big things the Lord has been working in my heart are 1) the process of pursuing Him for complete healing for Amos's food allergies and 2) just pursuing Him in general and what that means consistently, day to day.

I wrote in my last post on allergies that Amos has VASTLY improved over the past few weeks, and we are praising the Lord for that miracle we had been praying and praying for.
But something in me can't help but get past the hump: "but is he completely healed?."

At this point it's still pretty hard to tell. He's still only 1 year old and can't communicate to us what he's feeling after eating something... He barfed scrambled eggs up, but lots of toddlers barf up eggs (sorry, not sorry, for the imagery 😂), so that doesn't necessarily have to mean an allergy. He did sleep well that night and didn't have any sort of rash show up or diarrhea (more pleasant images for you. ha.).
More recently I tried a bit of hummus with sesame... he had the equivalent of one bite of hummus, so, not much, but he didn't get a rash on his face like last time! He did, though, start acting like he didn't want to eat any more after that bite, like maybe his stomach felt weird?... Then he slept great, but had a weird poop later that day.??
Was his body still reacting to it in some slight way? If it is, then he's not completely healed yet, right? (Even though he is way way way way way better than he was).

Guys, this has been so confusing for me.

But God has also been so good to me.

Part of my learning to pursue God in general on the regular has led me to wanting to/expecting to hear His voice on the regular. One of the ways I've been practicing that has been to, in the mornings, just ask God before opening my Bible "What do you want me to read today?" (Based on a suggestion from John Eldridge's book, Walking with God). Doing this has been amazing and life changing for me. I'm so blessed every morning when I realize I really did actually hear from Him and He has pointed me to exactly the passage He had for me to read that day.
For reals, you guys, please try this. Give Him an open line of communication to talk to you and I promise He will come through in one way or another- that relationship and intimacy is what He longs for so badly with us.

Anyway, yesterday morning I did this... I asked God what He wanted me to read, and I felt like He said Luke 8. I opened my Bible and realized it was a pretty lengthy chapter, and so I paused and asked Him again "What verse?" I thought I heard 48. (Mind you, I only just within the past week or so started doing this and every time I'm like, "I think I'm making this up. I don't think that was actually you, God. But what the heck, I might as well see what the verse says. Couldn't hurt." Literally, that's the conversation I have with myself in my head every time.)

And so this time I read Luke 8:48.
"Then He said to her, daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."

Even typing that out is making me cry right now. 'Cause, man, He is just so flipping specific with us- in the most touching, beautiful and sincere ways, He meets us exactly where we are and speaks right to where we're at.

This is from the story of the woman who was healed from "an issue of blood" and was one of the verses I clung to and prayed over early on for Amos. Go figure, I had no memory of that passage's reference that morning. ha.

I felt like in that moment He was saying to me, Hold on to that faith. It's bringing Amos healing.

And I heard Miley Cyrus's baby voice singing "Keeeep the faith, baaaabbbaayyyyyy." 😂

I still feel a little lost in this all. I want a more clear, accurate gauge of where Amos is at healing-wise. So I'll keep trying foods in greater amounts and see how he does- if not just so that I can have the clarity I feel like I need. But also so that I can have confidence in proclaiming either, "He's not all the way there yet, but he's on his way!" OR "He's all the way there! He's fully and completely healed!"

Either way, both are amazing testimonies of God's sweet and utter goodness to us, of His power over this world and sickness and His authority over every last bit of our lives. Oh, and how He honors our faith and our genuine pursuit of Him... and how He wants to show us His power and grow that faith in us. And how he just LOVES when we pursue Him and draw near to Him and He loves to meet us there and show us how specifically He cares for us.
Either way. God is so, so good.
