The other day my son's preschool had an active shooter lockdown drill. 
Yes... his preschool.

The thought of someone entering a school filled with preschool and kindergartner babes with ill-intentions and a loaded gun is beyond disturbing. But these drills do exist for a reason because, sadly, incredibly evil things do happen in this world.

It stands to reason that the teachers would need to explain to students what a lockdown is all about. I don't know how the concept was explained, but to a class of 4 and 5 year olds it was translated as "bad guys" doing "bad things."

My sweet and precious Harvey has the most sensitive heart of any little boy I have ever known. And often that sensitivity leads him to some anxiety and nerves about what feels to most other kids like a small thing.

Lately, the things he's been nervous about have been heavily influenced by "bad guys," and that's left us with a couple uneasy conversations while we snuggle up for a few minutes before bed. 

He's mentioned many times, "Are there bad guys in our world?" "What if a bad guy comes in our house?" "What if a bad guy tries to take me or get me?"

I wasn't sure how to respond at first.

I tried to assure him bad guys have no reason to want to get us- that usually they want to just get other bad guys. (that makes sense, right? ha) And that they're really aren't any bad people in our lives right now. 
But I couldn't help but feel like, in some way, I wasn't being completely honest with him.

Lockdowns exist because of truly evil/unwell/incredibly hurt people.
I don't want to give him a false truth about no real dangers in this world... But also, we genuinely don't have anything to fear if we know and trust Jesus, right? 

Harv has the exact same brain that I do, so I thought about how I talk myself off the ledge of fear and translated that to five year old language. 

When I find myself tempted by fear, I remember God's sovereignty and power over not only every evil thing, but also over every piece of my life. 

I remember Deuteronomy 31 and Isaiah 52 and God's promises to go before his people, to be with them and to be their rear guard. 

Deuteronomy 31:6, 8
"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you... The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”

Isaiah 52:12b
"The Lord will go before you, the God of Israel will be your rear guard."

And I remember the promise of His protection that has proven true over every aspect of my life- even in pain and hardship, I can look back and see clearly that his hand was on me protecting me and ultimately having his way in my life. 

And so I told Harvey about these verses that help me. 
I paraphrased them preschool-style and told him "God is in front of me, behind me and right next to me. And he's always taking care of me." 

When Harv repeated it back to me he said "right here" instead of right next to me, and I think I like that even better.

He's right here with us. Always.
No danger- be it ever so real- makes it's way into our lives without His consent.

That's not to say we won't ever face difficult things. But it is to say that no matter the hardship/pain or not, we can always trust that He's sovereign and has gone before us and is with us and is backing us up and has our best in mind.

Evil is real, the devil is doing his dirty work- It's just part of this world we live in. 
But God is better! He already defeated the enemy. He's stronger, sovereign and still in charge of what the devil is allowed to do or not do.

And so,
Fear can go to hell!
For real. 
That's where it belongs.

Because there's no fear in love. There's no fear in God- it's not who He is. And fearful is not who we are when we're at one with Him.

I only hope I can live this out in my heart and life as much as I aim to grow my son up to believe in the power of this truth- that we are called to be bold and live out the authority God has given us over the enemy, and we can and should walk in confidence that we are His and He is in control. 
