I don't consider myself much of a homemaker... I'm just not naturally that person who makes everything they touch in the home something wonderful. I feel like I'm more of a normal person. You feel me? I don't cook amazing or gourmet meals- I cook easy, quick meals. My home is decorated, but it never feels perfectly put-together to me. I have lots of ideas and desires for DIY projects, but I rarely step up and do them.
HOWEVER, I want my home and meals and DIYs to be something worth OOOing over. And something I'm proud of. At least every once in awhile! Basically, I want to be a better homemaker.
Here's something my husband and I tried:
Let me emphasize, this is our attempt at making something look wonderful. I think it looks only OK, but for the sake of other average homemakers like me here's what our attempts led to. I hope this is step 1 in growing into that person who thinks of the creative odds and ends that make it big on Pinterest if you know what I mean.
What we did was pretty simple. We found the desk on the side of the road (yes, we're those people. And proud of it!), sanded it down, painted it and Bam! Done. The wooden lattice Ben picked up on the side of the road for me, too. He's so sweet, isn't he :)
I tried the best I could to make it look cute, but it's not so much a cute desk to begin with. I did add the burlap ribbon bow that I thought up all by myself! What do you all think? I would love some suggestions!
Next up... learn to sew! I got a precious vintage sewing machine passed down to me for Christmas from my mom-in-law. So get ready for some trial and error posts from me on that one!
HOWEVER, I want my home and meals and DIYs to be something worth OOOing over. And something I'm proud of. At least every once in awhile! Basically, I want to be a better homemaker.
Here's something my husband and I tried:
Let me emphasize, this is our attempt at making something look wonderful. I think it looks only OK, but for the sake of other average homemakers like me here's what our attempts led to. I hope this is step 1 in growing into that person who thinks of the creative odds and ends that make it big on Pinterest if you know what I mean.
What we did was pretty simple. We found the desk on the side of the road (yes, we're those people. And proud of it!), sanded it down, painted it and Bam! Done. The wooden lattice Ben picked up on the side of the road for me, too. He's so sweet, isn't he :)
I tried the best I could to make it look cute, but it's not so much a cute desk to begin with. I did add the burlap ribbon bow that I thought up all by myself! What do you all think? I would love some suggestions!
Next up... learn to sew! I got a precious vintage sewing machine passed down to me for Christmas from my mom-in-law. So get ready for some trial and error posts from me on that one!